Plotnikova L.V. – art historian


Experience of an artist Tatyana Burakova's Creative Art-Studio

More than 17 years there has been a studio on the stage clothes” complexes production in Yekaterinburgh. Art Studio was organized by an artist Tatyana Burakova, a member of the Union of Artists of Russia, a specialist in monumental textile, graduating from the Stroganov High School of Art and Industrial Design in Moscow (now it is the Moscow Stroganov Institute of Art and Industrial Design).

Until 1993 the art studio had got large production spaces and its own textile workshop where special decorative fabrics for stage clothes production were manufactured. From the beginning of perestroika the art studio has lost at once all the production spaces and textile machinery.

Thus, a fortune forced T. Burakova to open the private “stage clothes” production studio.

On the way to survival was confronted with considerable difficulties. It had to get over impossible exchange drawing payment for produced artistic values in cement and glass.

Thanks to the keeping staff and old business contacts the studio managed to survive. But only the artistic trend of works was the special advantage marked out the studio from the general number of producers.

Textile painting as a kind of artistic activity is widespread enough, although producing of monumental works – large-scale drapes-pictures – is beyond an every artist. And it is only one of sorts of drapes are produced by Tatyana Burakova. An idea of the drape-picture has developed from the Russian stage specific character and is imbued with intuitive symbolism. Articles about these drapes can be read in many professional journals.

It is important to note that the drape-picture inheres in not only theatrical stage or concert hall. Club or palace stages are fraught with many possibilities for such artistic expressions. Generally, palaces of culture stages are the target of special attention of the art studio.

Another sort of drapes producing in T. Burakova's creative art studio that's decorative drapes with the use of different ways of decoration: complex cutting draperies, fabrics combining, appliques with painting or modern decorative materials.

For production of “stage clothes” complexes they use fabrics with fireproof processed linings (RF certificate) or fabrics with fireproof steep made in Europe (international certificate).

Market of “stage clothes” production is rather specific. Its participants are mainly the agents buying articles in theatrical studios or atelier. But T. Burakova's Creative Art Studio has not got any competitors among professional producers of “stage clothes” with artistic specificity.

Having been opened since 1987 the art studio gained vast professional experience.

Its customers were 93 theatres and palaces of culture in 53 cities of Russia. For all period of activity the art studio has produced 132 drapes such as: Main Drapes, over-planned drapes, mid-stage drapes (superdrape) and backdrops.

Regular participation in All-Russian theatrical and artistic exhibitions, such as: “Stage of Russia”, “Stage of Siberia”, zonal Russian exhibitions allows the art studio to develop actively.